DC/2020/02629 Erection of 4 dwelling houses following the demolition of the existing house 30 Liverpool Road Formby Liverpool L37 4BW

Please find below Formby Parish Council’s Objection to DC/2020/02629 Erection of 4 dwelling houses following the demolition of the existing house 30 Liverpool Road Formby Liverpool L37 4BW

12th February 2021

Planning Services

Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council

Magdalen House

30 Trinity Road


DC/2020/02629 Erection of 4 dwelling houses following the demolition of the existing house 30 Liverpool Road Formby Liverpool L37 4BW

Formby Parish Council object to the above planning application.  Residents are rightly concerned that the applicant has tried to bypass the planning system by conducting extensive site clearance prior to the validation of this application.  A significant number of trees have been removed to facilitate an additional property to the rear of the 3 proposed new dwellings fronting onto Liverpool Rd.

Application Form 

The application form sates that there are no trees on the application site, and although true the Ecological Appraisal accompanying this application notes that “to the western aspect (rear garden boundary) there are remnants of trees that have recently been felled and chipped. Remaining evidence suggests these were Sycamore and Conifer (e.g. Leyland Cypress). There are no remaining trees on the site”.  The actions were clearly to facilitate the addition of plot 4.  Formby and Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan Policy ESD7 Trees and Landscaping says that trees lost as a result of the development should be replaced at a ratio of 1:1. Residents have supplied pictures as to the significant number of trees removed from site.  There are no proposed replacements within the current application.  As such the application does not conform to the Neighbourhood Plan.

Housing Density

Para 6.8 of the Planning Statement says that “The density of the properties on the site will be approximately 23.5 dwellings per hectare.  The density of the immediate surrounding area (triangle of land bound by Liverpool Road, Birkey Lane and Raven Meols Lane) is approximately 16.6 dwellings per Hectare” . Whilst Formby Parish Council acknowledge there is a significant variation in housing density within Formby the Neighbourhood Plan Policy H1 Density was constructed to specifically reflect this, “in general terms, the density of the prevailing area should maintain the prevailing character of the immediate area”.  This would equate to 2.8 dwellings on a 0.17ha plot.

Flooding and Drainage

Neighbourhood Plan Policy F1: Avoiding Increased Flooding and Flood Risk states that “In areas at risk of flooding from any source, developments shall not lead to an increase in flooding or increased flood risk on either the application site or elsewhere within the Plan area. Where reasonably practicable, developers shall demonstrate tangible, definite and measurable reductions in flood risk and actual flooding”.

Flood Map of 30 Liverpool Road









Liverpool Road, Ravenmeols Lane and Birkey Lane are areas of Formby that suffer from significant flooding, also the Government Flood Risk Website identifies the development site at particular risk of surface water flooding.  However, there is no supporting information to demonstrate this risk can be mitigated.  This area of Formby is no suitable for infiltration soakaways and the existing surface and foul water network is frequently overwhelmed during prolong spells of heavy rain.  The application fails to demonstrate any proposed solution.

This application fails to conform to Neighbourhood Plan Policy ESD7 Trees and Landscaping, HD1 Housing Density, and F1 Avoiding Increase Flooding and Flood Risk, Also Sefton Local Plan Policy EQ8 Flooding and Drainage, EQ9 Trees.   Formby Parish Council ask that this application be refused.

Yours faithfully

Claire Jenkins

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer