Notice of Confirmation of a Modification Order
Section 53 Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way – Area No. 3 (Borough of Sefton Excluding Southport and Bootle)
Metropolitan Borough of Sefton Modification Order No.2, 2019
On the 29th October 2019 the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council confirmed the above Order.
The effect of the Order, as confirmed without modification, is to modify the Definitive Statement of Public Rights of Way for the area by amending the description of Formby Footpath No.12a so that it corresponds correctly with the footpath line shown on the Definitive Map. The full length of the footpath is shown on the Order Map by a bold black and white line marked A-B. There is no modification to the Definitive Map.
A copy of the Order and the Order Map have been placed and may be seen free of charge at the Highways Development and Design, 3rd Floor, Magdalen House, 30 Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 3NJ from 9.00am. to 4.00pm. on Mondays to Fridays. Copies of the Order and Map may be purchased.
The Order took effect on 29th October 2019, but if a person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the validity on the grounds that it is not within the powers of Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, or that any of the requirements of Schedule 15 to the Act have not been complied with in relation to the Order, they may, under Paragraph 11 of Schedule 15 to the Act, within 42 days from the date of publication of this Notice, make an application for the purpose to the High Court.
Dated 20th November 2019
David McCullough
Chief Legal & Democratic Officer
Sefton MBC
Magdalen House, Trinity Road
Merseyside L20 3NJ
Part I
Modification Of Definitive Map
There is no modification to the Definitive Map. The purpose of the Order is to record the details of the path on the Definitive Statement.
Part II
Modification of Definitive Statement
Variation of particulars of path or way
Formby Footpath No.12a
The footpath known as College Path commences at its junction with Firs Crescent at O.S grid ref SD328796,407981 running in an east north easterly direction with a width of 2 metres to its junction with the roadway known as College Path at O.S grid ref SD328987,408066.
The path has a total length of 216 metres.