Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.
Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Dawn Brodie, David Dutton, David Irving, Yvonne Irving, Carol Richards, Joe Riley, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.
In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 Members of public
39.0 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs S McCann and Prescott.
40.0 Members Declaration of Interest
40.1 Cllrs D. Irving, Y Irving and Richards declared an interest in item 46.2
41.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
The meeting was reconvened.
42.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
42.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 July 2022
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
43.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
43.1 The Clerk reported that the lease agreement for land at Lonsdale Road has been received and we need to register our interest at Land Registry – this may need to be done through a solicitor and will incur a small fee.
43.2 The Clerk reported that the completion of the limited assurance review for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been received and the External Auditor’s opinion is that the information contained in sections 1 and 2 is in accordance with the proper practices and the relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have been met. The notice of conclusion of audit will be published as required.
44.0 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that he was invited to a meeting with the Ward Cllrs and the residents who have applied for a Stopping up Order for land at Edenhurst Drive. It was noted that many local residents have complained about this and subsequently Taylor Wimpey withdrew their offer to sell the land.
45.0 Planning Applications
45.1 Brackenway – The Planning Consultants used by the Parish Council have advised that there is not sufficient information for Sefton to determine the application. The Parish Council have submitted the report to Sefton Council requesting for example that they do not address the Reserved Matters in relation to layout and landscaping until Conditions, including a detailed Flood Risk Assessment and full details of the proposed flood mitigation and resilience measures have been submitted and approved.
The developers have not submitted any further information. Other consultees have responded to Sefton to say that there is insufficient information from the developer for them to provide comment.
45.2 Formby sewage works – United Utilities are using tankers to remove sewage from the sewage works in Formby as the sewage works is over capacity. There are 2 or 3 tanker loads per day. United Utilities have an obligation to provide the infrastructure to address the problem. There is no information at present as to how or when they will increase capacity.
45.3 Land to rear of 19 College Avenue – Ward Cllrs have submitted objections and called the application in.
45.4 Grain Storage – a pre application has been received for an industrial size storage facility on farm land to the east of the by-pass, opposite the new housing development on Liverpool Road. The Parish Council have submitted comments to the developers.
46.0 To discuss and approve the following:
46.1 To approve the quote for additional lighting at Duke Street Park of £16,200.00 to:
- Supply and install 8 x 5m mid hinged columns complete with LED lantern and appropriate excavation and cabling.
- Supply and install 2 x 8m column to accommodate CCTV camera equipment, one column located on each footpath at either end of the park.
- Supply and install feeder pillar and Scottish Power connection to act as feeder for additional columns.
It was resolved to approve the quote for additional lighting at Duke Street park of £16,200.
46.2 To approve the application for a grant of £1,000 from the Formby Civic Society to purchase a carpet for the Formby Heritage Centre Project.
Work is progressing on the Heritage Centre. They have received £2,000 from the Heritage Lottery fund and are hoping to open in November.
It was resolved to approve the grant up to £1,000 for the purchase of a carpet.
46.3 To note the estimated fee from Birketts LLP for £600 plus vat for legal advice.
Cllrs noted the estimated fee for legal advice.
47.0 Payments
August 2022
- Employers expenses – £1,497.28
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
- Website forms software licence, Gravity Forms – £50.73
- Licence, Zoom – £143.88
Total – £1,857.95
September 2022
- Employer expenses – £1,479.28
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
- Locum clerk – £60.00
- Award glass trophies, Mysignworks NW Ltd – £514.64
- Room hire Pride of Formby, Gild Hall – £150.00
- External Audit Fee, PKF Littlejohn – £480.00
- Tablecloth and condolence book, Amazon – £63.88
Total £3,075.74
It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.
48.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)
- Finance and General Purposes Group minutes
- Environment Group minutes
49.0 Date of Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4 October 2022, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.
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