Formby Parish Council Minutes – 7 March 2023

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Maria Bennett, David Dutton, Susan McCann, Bernie Prescott, Carol Richards, Joe Riley and Paul Wiencke

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 1 Members of public

94.0 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs D Baxter, S Baxter, D Brodie, D Irving, Y Irving, and M Weild.

95.0 Members Declaration of Interest

95.1 Cllrs Bennett, Richards and Riley declared an interest in planning items.

96.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

There were no members of public wishing to address the Council.

The meeting was reconvened.

97.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

97.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 31 January 2023

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

98.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

98.1 Freshfield Caravan site.

The dispute is still ongoing and is expected to go to arbitration. Cllr Richards wrote to the Planning department and other Sefton Council officers; however, Sefton MBC are sympathetic but said it is a civil matter. Cllr Riley and Cllr Richards attended the National Trust Stakeholder meeting, and raised this as a concern, however, the National Trust representative said that Natural England are a regulatory body and have no obligation to respond. They also asked about the trees coming down to create a 200-space car park, but was told that the SSSI is advisory only. It was suggested to ask National Trust members who live in Formby to raise their concerns.

98.2 Lonsdale Road access gate

Cllrs McCann, Appleton, and Riley have agreed to meet with the contractor to finalise the detail for the access gate, to be within the £2000 budget approved.

99.0 Chairman’s Report

99.1 The Chairman reported that the landscaping of the park is progressing and that the care and attention to detail is magnificent.

100.0 Planning Applications

100.1 Objection submitted for Shorrocks Hill Development

100.2 Objection submitted for secure children’s home at Grasmere Road.

100.3 Elim Church re-submitted planning application for rendering.

100.4 Firwood builders’ yard, enforcement notice on height of fencing and stacking of goods.

101.0 To discuss and approve the following:

101.1 To discuss and approve the expenditure for a scan of the ground at Formby Library for the installation of the Viking sculpture.

It was resolved to approve up to £800.

101.2 To approve the expenditure of the upgrade to Microsoft 365-Business subscription at a cost of £225.60 per annum.

It was resolved to approve the expenditure of £225.60 per annum and upgrade to Microsoft 365-business subscription.

101.3 To approve the expenditure of £607.20 for a dual-purpose bin for Lonsdale Road Park.

It was resolved to approve expenditure of £607.20 for a dual-purpose bin for Lonsdale Road Park.

101.4 To note cost of £192 per annum for the bin to be emptied twice per week by Green Sefton.

It was resolved to note the cost of £192 per annum for the bin to be emptied.

101.5 To note the expenditure of £689.52 for the printing of 10,000 leaflets.

It was resolved to note the expenditure of £689.50 for the printing of 10,000 leaflets.

101.6 To note the expenditure of £300 plus vat for the distribution of the newsletter.

It was resolved to note the expenditure of £300 plus vat for the distribution of the newsletter.

101.7 To approve the expenditure of £3994 plus vat for the installation and removal of the bunting for the Coronation Weekend.

It was resolved to approve the expenditure of £3994 plus vat for the installation and removal of the bunting.

102.0 Payments

  1. Employer expenses – £1,598.79
  2. Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
  4. Lonsdale Road Lease registration fees, Breen’s Solicitors Ltd – £744.00
  5. Grounds maintenance, Sefton MBC – £2,972.16
  6. Newsletter Distribution fees, Formby Publishing Co Ltd – £360.00
  7. Newsletter, Solopress – £689.52
  8. Office supplies, Select Office Supplies – £7.20
  9. Flowers, Cllr B McCann – £20.25
  10. part payment Park project, JC Landscape and Horticulture – £29,322.00
  11. honours board sign writer, esbpublicity – £120.00

Total £36,143.86

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

103.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)

  • Finance and General Purposes Group minutes
  • Environment Group minutes

104.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4 April 2023, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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