Minutes – 19 February 2024

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Jill Butler, Helen Duerdon, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Carol Richards and Mike Weild

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 1 member of the public

82.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs D. Brodie, L. Brodie, Cavanagh, Haygarth, Mercer and Prescott.

83.0 Members Declaration of Interest

83.1 There were no declarations of interest.

84.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

A resident introduced a new social media platform which is already in use in Ormskirk and Southport. It is looking to promote good news items. He reported that there is no charge for news items, but there is a charge for adverts. “Q Local Formby” will print public notices such as bin collections and aim to be an alternative news source for Formby residents.

The meeting was reconvened.

85.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

85.1 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 22 January 2024

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

86.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

Item 73.0. Cllr D. Irving advised that the young resident has commenced a petition to rewild the grass verges either side of the bypass and he is asking for support. The Clerk advised that Cllrs can support the petition as individuals, but for a Parish Council resolution to support the petition this would need to be a specific agenda item.

87.0 Chairman’s Report

There was no Chairman’s report.

88.0 Planning Applications

88.1 Brackenway Application – Formby Parish Council have responded to the application for discharge of conditions, in particular relating to the method of piling to be used.

88.2 Gardner Road retrospective application – it was noted that neighbours are complaining about the 2m high fence installed.

88.3 Brows Lane – application to divide house into 2 houses. Cllr Irving reported that since 2014, there have been 252 windfall homes built in Formby. This is in addition to all the development sites.

88.4 National Trust Car Park, Victoria Road –it was noted that an appeal has gone to the Planning Inspector – members discussed the agreed to submit an objection. (Lunt SMBC website – National Trust replanting trees).

89.0 To discuss and approve the following.

89.1 To approve a community fund grant of £425, for the purchase of equipment for the pre-school parent and toddler group at St Luke’s Primary School.

It was resolved to approve the community fund grant of £425 for the purchase of equipment for the pre-school parent and toddler group.

89.2 To approve the expenditure for the replacement of compost in the planters.

It was resolved to approve the expenditure for the replacement of compost in the planters.

89.3 To note the earmarked reserve of £10,000 for the railings at Duke Street Park will be spent in the 2024/25 financial year.

Members noted the earmarked reserve and agreed to maintain the ringfenced amount.

89.4 To note the estimate of £329 to re-wire the CCTV on Phillips Lane.

Members noted the estimate of £329 for the CCTV.

89.5 To note the installation of the CCTV at Duke Street Park will commence on 18 March 2024.

Members noted the date of the CCTV installation.

89.6 To note the cost of £82.50 for advertisement consent for a park sign.

Members noted the cost of £82.50 for the consent for a park sign.

90.0 Payments

  1. employer expenses – £1,738.22
  2. Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and broadband, BT – £70.66
  4. yew plants and labour for library garden, JC Landscape & Horticulture – £500.86
  5. parking suspension Brows Lane, Sefton MBC – £165.00
  6. fertiliser for trees, Amazon uk – £50.88
  7. advertisement consent application, Sefton MBC – £82.50
  8. shrubs, bark and small fence, JC Landscape & Horticulture – £954.48

Total – £3,812.60

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

91.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with the agenda):

  • Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
  • Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting

92.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 18 March 2024, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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