Minutes of the Annual Parish of Formby Meeting 13 May 2024

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the Annual Parish of Formby meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


Minutes of the Annual Meeting

13 May 2024

Present: Councillors: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, Jill Butler, Karen Cavanagh, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Liz Mercer, Carol Richards and Mike Weild.

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk)

Chairman’s address

Cllr Bennett welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.

1.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs Luke Brodie and Helen Duerdon.

2.0 To receive the minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 15 May 2023

The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2023 were approved as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of public wishing to address the Council.

The meeting was reconvened

4.0 To receive an update on the Grouping Order for the purpose of forming a grouped parish council with Little Altcar Parish Council to be known as Formby and Little Altcar Parish Council

The business case proposal for the Grouping Order had been sent to Sefton Council’s Chief Legal and Democratic officer. He had responded to say that any consideration by Sefton Council for a grouping order would not be undertaken until the completion of the Boundary Commission Review. As part of the Boundary Commission Review the Parish Council were invited to make a submission, which they did. Subsequently the Boundary Commission have published their draft recommendations and have advised that any merger of the parishes is a matter for Sefton Council.

Members discussed asking for a community governance review and noted that a petition can be made which will trigger a review. For a petition to be valid it must meet certain conditions. The first of these conditions is that a petition must be signed by the requisite number of local electors. It is recommended that petitioners aim to collect the requisite number of signatures based on the most recently published electoral register.

Members noted that Little Altcar would fall under category b, requiring 250 signatures of electors as per the electoral register. And Formby would fall under category c requiring approximately 1,800 signatures.

It was agreed to write to the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer, Sefton Council to further understand their position and to discuss with Little Altcar Parish Council how to publicise this and set up a petition.

5.0 To receive the attendance list of Formby Parish Councillors for the previous year

Members noted the attendance list which is available on the website and in appendix 1.

6.0 Close of Meeting

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.

Appendix 1

Formby Parish Council Councillors Meeting Attendance Record 2023-2024


Ordinary Meeting (10)

Finance and GP (9)

Environment (9)

Derek Baxter Attended: 9

Apologies: 1

Attended: 8 Attended: 9
Sandra Baxter Attended: 10


Attended: 8 Attended: 8
Maria Bennett (Chairman) Attended: 9

Apologies: 1

Attended: 7 Attended: 4
Dawn Brodie Attended: 9

Apologies: 1

Attended: 9 Attended:
Luke Brodie Attended: 5

Apologies: 5

Attended: Attended:
Jill Butler Attended: 9

Apologies: 1

Attended: 5 Attended:
Karen Cavanagh Attended: 7

Apologies: 3

Attended: Attended: 1
Helen Duerdon Attended: 7

Apologies: 3

Attended: Attended: 1
Kevin Haygarth Attended: 3

Apologies: 7

Attended: 6 Attended: 4
Dave Irving Attended: 10


Attended: 6 Attended:
Yvonne Irving Attended: 9

Apologies: 1

Attended: Attended: 8
Liz Mercer Attended: 5

Apologies: 5

Attended: Attended: 5
Bernie Prescott Attended: 3

Apologies: 7

Attended: Attended: 3
Carol Richards Attended: 8

Apologies: 2

Attended: Attended: 5
Mike Weild Attended: 9

Apologies: 1

Attended: 8 Attended: 9



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