Below you will find the weekly planning application list for the Formby area as published by Sefton Council. To submit a comment/objection or further information please go to Sefton Council’s planning website.
Applications Received
Harington Ward
66 Lonsdale Road Formby L37 3HQ
Reference: DC/2025/00039
Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse.
Agent: Mr Richard Smith RJS – 23 Ellerslie Avenue Rainhill L35 4QD
Applicant: Mr Stephen Mills
88 Victoria Road Formby L37 1LP
Reference: DC/2025/00068
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for the pruning of G2 and Cypress within the grounds of 88 Victoria Road (Lies within TPO14)
Agent: Mr Andrew Wright Wrights Landscape Services Ltd – 2 Alderson Crescent Formby L37 3LZ
Applicant: Nugent
80 Victoria Road Formby L37 1LL
Reference: DC/2025/00081
Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission DC/2024/00243 approved 16/05/2024 to amend the materials from render to face brick of a similar colour.
Agent: Mr Graham Coule RAL Architects Limited – Studio 23 Princes Street Southport PR8 1EG
Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Cannon
Ravenmeols Ward
Land To North Of Formby Industrial Estate And East Of A565 Formby Bypass
Reference: DC/2024/02165
Proposal: Hybrid planning application comprising: Full planning permission for a phased development comprising: construction of a signal controlled junction on Formby bypass, footways and cycle paths, and associated works (Phase I); infrastructure works to include an estate road and internal roundabout, utility supplies, electricity sub-stations, surface water and flood risk attenuation, including a pumping station, and landscaping (Phase II); erection of two Class E(a) retail food stores with access, servicing and parking areas, plant compound, landscaping and associated works (Phase III and IV); and erection of a Class E(b)/Sui Generis Drive-Thru shop with access, servicing and parking areas, landscaping and associated works (Phase V). Outline planning application with approval of access and all other matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) for the phased development comprising; a minimum of 7.58ha of employment uses within Use Classes E(g), B2 and/or 88 and associated infrastructure to include access, parking and servicing areas, landscaping and associated works (Phase VI); infrastructure works to include and estate road, utility supplies, electricity sub-stations, surface water and flood risk attenuation and landscaping (Phase VII); the erection of a Class E(b)/Sui Generis Drive-Thru shop/restaurant with access, servicing and parking areas and associated works (Phase VIII); and the erection of a Class E(e) community medical centre with access, parking, landscaping and associated works (Phase IX).
Agent: Mr Chris Smith Plan A (North West) Limited – 32 Aughton Road Southport PR8 2AG
Applicant: Sefton and Formby Developments Limited
157 Park Road Formby L37 6EN
Reference: DC/2025/00051
Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear of the dwellinghouse.
Agent: Mr Peter Whiteside Whiteside Building Design Ltd – 47A Freshfield Road Formby L37 3HL
Applicant: Mr Jon Cooper
Decisions Made
Harington Ward
1 Elson Road Formby L37 2EG
Reference: DC/2024/01507
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 15 January 2025
Proposal: Conversion of the first and second floor from an office (Class E) into 1 No. self-contained flat (Class C3) including the erection of a dormer and alterations to the windows to the front elevation, erection of a balcony area with a new door, window and staircase to the rear elevation, subdivision of the rear yard with new gate access to create separate bin and bicycle storage for the office and flat, and the installation of new windows to the side elevation.
Site Of 5 Marsh Brows Formby
Reference: DC/2024/02211
Decision: Refuse
Decision Date: 16 January 2025
Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission DC/2017/02112 approved 08.02.2018 to allow alterations to the footprint of the proposed development.
5 Firs Crescent Formby L37 1PT
Reference: DC/2024/02057
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Decision Date: 15 January 2025
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order application to prune 1No tree (Lies within TOP11)
Thatchings Moss Side Formby L37 0AF
Reference: DC/2024/02029
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Decision Date: 14 January 2025
Proposal: Replace the thatch roof covering with a traditional slate type material.
7 Monks Close Formby L37 6DH
Reference: DC/2024/02083
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 17 January 2025
Proposal: Erection of a single storey porch extension to the front of the dwellinghouse, hipped to gable roof alterations and a rear dormer extension.
5 Buckingham Grove Formby L37 6ET
Reference: DC/2024/01965
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 17 January 2025
Proposal: Erection of single storey extensions to the front and rear of the dwellinghouse and extensions to the rear and side of the existing detached garage to provide additional accommodation ancillary to the main house.
8 Mawdsley Close Formby L37 8DJ
Reference: DC/2024/02063
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 14 January 2025
Proposal: Erection of single storey extensions to the side and rear of the dwellinghouse.