Below you will find the weekly planning application list for the Formby area as published by Sefton Council. To submit a comment/objection or further information please go to Sefton Council’s planning website.
Applications Received
Harington Ward
23 Piercefield Road Formby L37 7DG
Reference: DC/2024/01266
Proposal: Erection of a part two storey part single side extension following the demolition of existing garage, alterations to the rear first floor roof and creation of a Juliet balcony to the rear. Alterations to all elevations and boundary including the construction of a wall, railings and sliding gate to the front of the dwellinghouse.
Agent: Jemma Slater SlaterWilde – Tall Trees 8 Crossings Road Chapel-en-le-Frith SK23 9RZ
Applicant: I Seddon
14 Gores Way Formby L37 1PB
Reference: DC/2024/01300
Proposal: Conversion of existing bungalow into a two storey dwellinghouse with a single storey extension to rear.
Agent: –
Applicant: Mr Allen Wood
112 Victoria Road Formby L37 1LP
Reference: DC/2024/01315
Proposal: Erection of a first floor extension to the front of the dwellinghouse incorporating a balcony.
Agent: Mr Rob Jones RJ Design (NW) Ltd – 8 Stiles Road Liverpool L33 4EA
Applicant: Mr Paul Howard
44 Green Lane Formby L37 7BH
Reference: DC/2024/01319
Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse following demolition of conservatory (retrospective).
Agent: Mr Robert Anderson RAL Architects Limited – STUDIO 23 Princes Street Southport PR8 1EG
Applicant: Mr P Latham
13 Brows Lane Formby L37 3HY
Reference: DC/2024/01326
Proposal: Erection of a two storey detached dwellinghouse with garage following the demolition of the existing bungalow and outbuildings.
Agent: Mr Rob Jones RJ Design (NW) Ltd – 8 Stiles Road Liverpool L33 4EA
Applicant: Mr Dean Astbury
The Pines Formby L37 2NA
Reference: DC/2024/01345
Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission DC/2020/02448 approved on 05/02/21 to change surface material to access street from block paving to permeable tarmac.
Agent: Mr David Dickerson DK-Architects – 26 Old Haymarket Liverpool L1 6ER
Applicant: Mr Gavin Whiteside
17 Elm Drive Formby L37 2DL
Reference: DC/2024/01357
Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to the side, porch to the front and dormer extensions to the front and rear of the dwellinghouse.
Agent: Mr John McGrath McGrath Associates Limited – Unit 1, The Barn 92 Liverpool Road North Liverpool L31 2HN
Applicant: Mr S White
Ravenmeols Ward
45 Park Road Formby L37 6AB
Reference: DC/2024/01382
Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear, porch to the front and dormer extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse.
Agent: Mr Joseph Clayton Clayton Architecture Limited – 648 Liverpool Road Ainsdale PR8 3LT
Applicant: Mr Jonathan Lehan.
Decisions Made
Harington Ward
14 Sutton Road Formby L37 2HD
Reference: DC/2024/01028
Decision: Certificate Issued – Proposed Use
Decision Date: 25 July 2024
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse following the demolition of the existing conservatory.
Land To The Side of 20 Wicks Crescent Formby L37 1PW
Reference: DC/2024/01024
Decision: Refuse
Decision Date: 24 July 2024
Proposal: Outline planning application for the erection of a two storey dwellinghouse with all matters (layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping) reserved for future consideration.
8 Elm Drive Formby L37 2DL
Reference: DC/2024/00824
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 18 July 2024
Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to the front, rear and side following the demolition of existing garage, erection of first floor dormer extensions to the front and rear of the dwellinghouse to include solar rood panels, an additional first floor, gable window and a Juliet balcony, together with the construction of a wall/fence along part of the boundary or 7 and 9 Elm Drive.
Tennis Courts Rosemary Lane Formby
Reference: DC/2024/01230
Decision: Approve
Decision Date: 19 July 2024
Proposal: Approval of details reserved by condition 3 (a, b, and c) attached to planning permission DC/2023/01055 approved 14/03/2024.
Westwoods 108 Victoria Road Formby L37 1LP
Reference: DC/2024/00808
Decision: Approve
Decision Date: 18 July 2024
Proposal: Approval of details reserved by Condition 3 attached to planning permission DC/2023/02221 approved on 29/04/2024.
Freshfield Primary School Watchyard Lane Formby L37 3JT
Reference: DC/2024/00993
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 23 July 2024
Proposal: installation of 5 No 6 metre lighting columns.