Below you will find the weekly planning application list for the Formby area as published by Sefton Council. To submit a comment/objection or further information please go to Sefton Council’s planning website.
Applications Received
Harington Ward
8 Elm Drive Formby L37 2DL
Reference: DC/2024/02102
Proposal: Erection of first floor extension to the rear, single storey extensions to the front, side and rear, extension to front dormer. Additional fencing to rear adjoining no. 9 Elm Drive, erection of a 2m high boundary wall at the side adjoining no. 7 Elm Drive, following demolition of existing garage and single storey extension to the rear.
Agent: Mr Joseph Clayton Clayton Architecture Limited – 648 Liverpool Road Ainsdale PR8 3LT
Applicant: Andy Williamson
55 Green Lane Formby L37 7BH
Reference: DC/2024/02118
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order application to fell 2 No. trees (lies within TPO20)
Agent: Mr Andy Kirman Kirman Design – 9 Bridgewater Business Park Galdstone Street Blackburn BB1 2DL
Applicant: Mr A Bowman
6 St Annes Close Formby L37 7AX
Reference: DC/2024/02119
Proposal: Erection of porch to the front of the dwellinghouse with construction of ramped access.
Agent: Mr Nathan Foakes Clayton Architecture Limited – 648 Liverpool Road Ainsdale PR8 3LT
Applicant: Mrs Claire Crow
Ravenmeols Ward
17 Coronation Avenue Formby L37 4ES
Reference: DC/2024/02130
Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission DC/2023/00937 approved 02/11/2023 to allow amendments to the rear elevation and internal changes.
Agent: Mr Steven Taylor – 9 Moorfield Road, Crosby, Liverpool L23 9UB
Applicant: Mr Phil Richardson
Decisions Made
Harington Ward
10 Gregsons Avenue Formby L37 7AP
Reference: DC/2024/01516
Decision: Approve
Decision Date: 4 December 2024
Proposal: Approval of details reserved by conditions 3, 4 and 5 attached to planning permission DC/2021/01999 approved 02.11.2022.
8 Barkfield Lane Formby L37 3JN
Reference: DC/2024/01788
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 4 December 2024
Proposal: Erection of a children’s climbing frame with swings, slide, monkey bars, playhouse and crow’s nest (retrospective 14.07.2021).
4 Tower End Formby L37 1LP
Reference: DC/2024/01640
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 6 December 2024
Proposal: Erection of 1no dwellinghouse with basement garage and the installation of a car lift following the demolition of existing dwellinghouse.
No decisions made this week