Below you will find the weekly planning application list for the Formby area as published by Sefton Council. To submit a comment/objection or further information please go to Sefton Council’s planning website.
Applications Received
Harington Ward
18 Massams Lane Formby L37 7BE
Reference: DC/2025/00060
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for the pruning of 2 no. trees (Lies within TPO20).
Applicant: Mr Kevin Armstrong
16 Kirklake Bank Formby L37 2YJ
Reference: DC/2025/00084
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for the pruning of 1 no. tree (T1) by 30% (Lies within TPO17)
Agent: Mr Paul Howard P R Howard (Trees) Ltd – Brook Farm Moss Side Formby L37 0AF
Applicant: Mrs Sue Bailey
3 Kirklake Bank Formby L37 2YJ
Reference: DC/2025/00081
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for the crowning of 1 no. oak tree (T1) (Lies within TPO17).
Agent: Mr Carl Vibrans Poplar Tree Solutions – 16 Chesterfield Road Crosby L23 9XW
Applicant: Poplar Tree Solutions
9 Holmwood Gardens Formby L37 1NH
Reference: DC/2025/00093
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for felling of 1 no. tree (T1) and crown 5 no. trees (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) (Lies within TPO109)
Agent: Mr Carl Vibrans Poplar Tree Solutions – 16 Chesterfield Road Crosby L23 9XW
Applicant: Poplar Tree Solution
3 Sealand Close Formby L37 2JA
Reference: DC/2025/00096
Proposal: Prior approval submission for a proposed rear extension projecting 5.10 metres from the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse with a height of 2.82 metres at the eaves and a maximum height of 3.41 metres (Valid 21.01.2025)
Applicant: Mrs Patty Wilson
3 Sealand Close Formby L37 2JA
Reference: DC/2025/00097
Proposal: Erection of a two-storey extension to the side of the dwellinghouse.
Applicant: Mrs Patty Wilson
12 Mayfield Avenue Formby L37 2FN
Reference: DC/2025/00129
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order consent to remove 3 no. trees (T1/T3/T4) and crown lift and prune 2 no. trees (T2/T5) (Lies within TPO65)
Applicant: Mr Stephen Eley
Ravenmeols Ward
17 Sandringham Road Formby L37 6EG
Reference: DC/2025/00075
Proposal: Erection of a part two storey and first floor extension to the side incorporating a garage and a dormer extension to the front of the dwellinghouse following the demolition of existing garage outbuildings.
Agent: Mr Tom Black Tom Black Architects Studio 1 12 Jordan Street Jordan Street Studios Liverpool L1 0BP
Applicant: In Motion UK
Decisions Made
Harington Ward
8 Elm Drive Formby L37 2DL
Reference: DC/2024/02102
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 22 January 2025
Proposal: Erection of first floor extension to the rear, single storey extensions to the front, side and rear, extension to front dormer. Additional fencing to rear adjoining n. 9 Elm Drive, erection of a 2m high boundary wall at the side adjoining no 7 Elm Drive, following demolition of existing garage and single storey extension to the rear.
46 Massams Lane Formby L37 7BE
Reference: DC/2024/01834
Decision: Part Approve/Part Refuse
Decision Date: 24 January 2025
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent to prune and crown lift 2 no. tree (T1, T4) and crown lift by 5 metres to 2 no. tree (T2, T3) (Lies within TPO20).
55 Green Lane Formby L37 7BH
Reference: DC/2024/02118
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 15 January 2025
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order application to fell 2 no trees (Lies within TPO20)
No new decisions made