Below you will find the weekly planning application list for the Formby area as published by Sefton Council. To submit a comment/objection or further information please go to Sefton Council’s planning website.
Applications Received
Harington Ward
10 Gregsons Avenue Formby L37 7AP
Reference: DC/2024/01516
Proposal: Approval of details reserved by conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 attached to planning permission DC/2021/01999 approved 02.11.2022
Agent: Mr Andrew Stott The Plan Centre – C/O 10 Gregsons Avenue Formby L37 7AP
Applicant: Mr Mark Richardson
24 Sefton Road Formby L37 2JQ
Reference: DC/2024/01690
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed detached garden room after demolition of garage at the rear of the dwellinghouse.
Applicant: Matilde Ventrella
Site of 17 College Avenue Formby
Reference: DC/2024/01864
Proposal: Erection of a detached dwellinghouse with 2 no. single storey outbuildings, external storage to the courtyard, associated landscaping and relocated vehicular access from College Avenue
Agent: Miss Stephanie Harrison Drome Architects – 4 Seymour Street Liverpool L3 5PF
Applicant: Mr Anthony Brindle
106A Victoria Road Formby L37 1LP
Reference: DC/2024/01956
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent to fell 1No. tree (T1) (Lies within TPO14)
Agent: Carl Salisbury Mulberry – 62 Tanners Street Ramsbottom BL0 9ES
Applicant: Tucker
Ravenmeols Ward
15 Abbots Way Formby L37 6DR
Reference: DC/2024/01946
Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning application DC/2024/01182 approved 29/08/2024 to allow for the reduction in the width of the rear, projecting part of the side extension
Agent: Mr M Fazal Adrian Design – 5 Battle Way Formby L37 4HH
Applicant: Mrs Maria Ashcroft
5 Thirlmere Avenue Formby L37 4ER
Reference: DC/2024/01958
Proposal: Erection of a porch extension to the front of the dwellinghouse
Agent: Mr Peter Whiteside Whiteside Building Design Ltd – 47A Freshfield Road Formby L37 3HL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Anderson
Decisions Made
Harington Ward
11 Holmwood Gardens Formby L37 1NH
Reference: DC/2024/01651
Decision: Approve with Conditions
Decision Date: 1 November 2024
Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent to remove one lateral branch and reduce the overhanding canopy (T1) by 20% (Lies within TPO109)
78 Liverpool Road Formby L37 6DA
Reference: DC/2024/01684
Decision: Certificate Issued – Proposed Use
Decision Date: 28 October 2024
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed loft conversion, alterations to the elevations and roof to include the installation of 3 no. rooflights.