Weekly planning list 9 – 15 December 2024

Below you will find the weekly planning application list for the Formby area as published by Sefton Council. To submit a comment/objection or further information please go to Sefton Council’s planning website.

Applications Received

Harington Ward

76A Freshfield Road Formby L37 7BQ 

Reference: DC/2024/02092

Proposal: Approval of details reserved by Conditions 2 attached to planning permission DC/2024/00507 approved on 21/05/2024.

Agent: Frank Smith James Campbell Associates Ltd – Campbell House 173 Rochdale Road Firgrove, Milnrow Rochdale OL16 BN

Applicant: Freshfield Developments Ltd


35 Piercefield Road Formby L37 7DG

Reference: DC/2024/02131

Proposal: Erection of two storey extension to the side and part two storey and single storey extension at the rear of the dwellinghouse and erection of new porch to the front of the dwellinghouse following demolition of existing garage and porch. Alterations to side boundaries neighbouring 33 and 37 Piercefield Road and creation vehicular access to front elevation.

Agent: Mr Joseph Clayton Clayton Architecture Limited – 648 Liverpool Road Ainsdale PR8 3LT

Applicant: James Brown


Laurel’s Wood Southport Old Road Formby

Reference: DC/2024/02136

Proposal: Prior approval submission for the erection of 2No. timber stores at Laurel’s Wood.

Agent: Mrs Susie Stephen Stantec – 7 Soho Square London W1D 3QB

Applicant: Laurel’s Wood CIC


Ravenmeols Ward

48 Duke Street Formby L37 4AT

Reference: DC/2024/02126

Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission DC/2021/02953 approved 10/11/2022 to allow amendments to approved plans.

Agent: Mr Robert Anderson RAL Architects Limited – Studio 23 Princes Street Southport PR8 1EG

Applicant: Mountacre Homes Ltd


Decisions Made

Harington Ward

103 Gores Lane Formby L37 7AH 

Reference: DC/2024/01959

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 13 December 2024

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 pursuant to planning permission DC/2023/01849 approved 08/02/2024 to allow for amendments to the proposed dwellinghouse to include the omission of the garage, alterations to the windows to the front, side and rear elevations, and installation of 2 no. rooflights, relocation of the vehicular accesses for both 103 Gores Lane and the proposed dwellinghouse, and alterations to the elevations at 103 Gores Lane.


Laurel’s Wood Southport Old Road Formby 

Reference: DC/2024/02136

Decision: Prior Approval Not Required

Decision Date: 13 December 2024

Proposal: Prior approval submission for the erection of 2No. timber stores at Laurel’s Wood.


Holm Wood Park Formby L37 3RB

Reference: DC/2024/01898

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 12 December 2024

Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for the felling of 2 No. trees within Holm Wood Park (lies within TPO109).


4 Shireburn Road Formby L37 1LR

Reference: DC/2024/01872

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 9 December 2024

Proposal: Tree Preservation Order Consent for the pruning of 1 No Horse Chestnut tree (lies within TPO14).


5 The Cloisters Halsall Lane Formby L37 3PX

Reference: DC/2024/01644

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 12 December 2024

Proposal: Change of use from a cafe (Class E) to a hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) and alterations to the front and rear elevations.


20 Victoria Road Formby L37 7AG

Reference: DC/2024/01608

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 12 December 2024

Proposal: Erection of 1no. dwellinghouse following the demolition of the existing dwellinghouse.



5 Thirlmere Avenue Formby L37 4ER

Reference: DC/2024/01958

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 13 December 2024

Proposal: Erection of a porch extension to the front of the dwellinghouse.