Formby Parish Council Agenda – 25 May 2021

Agendas, Meetings

Please find below details for the next Formby Parish Council Meeting. A copy of the agenda and reports are available to download at the bottom of the page. 

Notice of Meeting

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council, which will be held on Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 7pm at the Library, Duke Street, Formby (access via the rear garden gate).

Claire Jenkins

Clerk to Formby Parish Council


  1. To receive Apologies
    1. To resolve to approve apologies for absence for any Cllr unable to attend due to a Covid related reason, including the restriction on numbers able to attend for a face-to-face meeting.
  2. To Receive Declarations of Interest
  3. To adjourn the meeting for the Public Forum
  4. To consider and approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 4 May 2021.
  5. Matters of Report from Previous Meeting – for information only
  6. Planning Applications – (Sefton’s weekly list email, also available on Sefton Council’s website)
  7. To Discuss and Resolve the following:
    1. To approve the quote for the renewal of the Insurance for a 3-year term at £1,824.26 per annum
    2. To consider quotations received for the annual ground maintenance and award contracts for a 3-year term – Finance minutes refer
    3. To approve that the Parish Council fund the road closure cost of £1,561 plus vat for the Imagine Formby community event in the village, which would be paid directly to Sefton Council when the event has been re-scheduled
    4. To approve a donation of up to £5000 for the Radio City Cash for kids’ application for the purchase of anti-bleed kits and housing boxes for the Formby area, with the proviso that we have a meeting with them to discuss the locations and also dependent on whether they receive funding from grant applications to other organisations for this.
    5. To approve the purchase of robopets at approximately £120 each to supply one per Formby Care/Nursing Home – Finance minutes refer
  8. To approve Payments
  9. To note the following Reports:
    • Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
    • Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting
  10. The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 6 July 2021.

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend.


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