Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.
Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, David Dutton, David Irving, Yvonne Irving, Bernie Prescott, Carol Richards, Joe Riley, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.
In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 2 Members of public.
61.0 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Bennett and S McCann.
62.0 Members Declaration of Interest
62.1 There were no declarations of interest.
63.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item.
A spokesperson from Ravenmeols Community Centre spoke to the Cllrs about the community centre. It is £7.70 per hour for small groups to hire. The centre is established as a charitable trust but only has a committee of 4 people. It is being underused at present at about 42% capacity. They are looking to expand the committee membership to manage and hopefully increase the bookings. The centre has a 5-year lease with Sefton Council which is due for renewal next April and they are concerned that without more support the centre may not continue to be viable. Cllr Richards agreed to meet with the group to discuss this further.
The meeting was reconvened.
64.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
64.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 4 October 2022
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
65.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
There were no matters of report.
66.0 Chairman’s Report
66.1 The Chairman reported that Plans are progressing for Lonsdale Road. Quotes are being sought for a design and construct of the new open green space to include walkways, seating, trees and shrubs for quiet enjoyment.
66.2 Merseyside Police are reintroducing surgeries at Formby Library and Ince Blundell Garden Centre on an ad-hoc basis. Residents will need to enquire at the venues for times as they will vary depending on police operational demands.
66.3 Caravan site owners at Victoria Road are still having problems with access to the site.
67.0 Planning Applications
67.1 Football Club site – It was noted that an enforcement notice was issued for a specific area on the site. The Enforcement Officer was satisfied that the spoil had been removed from that specific area. However, Cllrs have received photographs showing the spoil had been moved from the area covered by the notice to the former football pitches and raised that land. Any spoil that has been removed from site should also have consignment notices. It was agreed to write to the Enforcement Officer and enquire whether the site has been fully remediated and still classed as green field within the green belt.
67.2 It was noted that Sefton Council have introduced a pilling document which will be applied to all future development.
67.3 Land west of South Lodge at Laurel Woods – application for vehicle access to manage the woodland.
67.4 72-76 Victoria Road – application for 3 large, detached houses.
67.5 19 College Avenue – it was noted that the neighbours have submitted a petition.
67.6 71-71a Kirklake Road – application for a detached house to be built in the gardens. It was noted that 224 windfall houses have been built so far in Formby during the term of the Sefton Local Plan.
67.7 Land to the rear of 9 Coronation Avenue – an application for a detached dormer bungalow. It was noted that this backs onto Crown Close where several trees have recently been felled.
67.8 34-70 Altcar Lane – revised planning application refused
67.9 Kirklake Road – it was noted that Harrington Ward Cllrs have approved planting of 25 replacement trees and a further 20 trees will be funded by Green Sefton.
68.0 To discuss and approve the following:
68.1 To approve a community fund application for a grant of £1,000 to Compassion Acts to help fund the cost of establishing the Formby Food Pantry (Finance and General Purposes minutes refer).
It was resolved to approve the community fund grant of £1,000 to Compassion Acts towards the cost of equipment for the Formby Food Pantry.
68.2 To approve a budget for the provision of hampers for needy families at Christmas.
It was resolved to approve a budget of up to £2,500
68.3 Lonsdale Road green space.
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
69.0 Payments
- Employer expenses – £1,497.28
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
- Wreath, Royal British Legion – £25.00
- Microsoft subscription, Microsoft – £79.99
- Compere switch on event, named person – £200.00
- First Aid switch on event, Chorley’s Angels – £200.00
- Traffic management for road closure, Taylor Made Traffic Management Ltd – £950.00
Total – £3,262.21
It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.
70.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)
- Finance and General Purposes Group minutes
- Environment Group minutes
71.0 Date of Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6 December 2022, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.
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