Formby Parish Council – Minutes 11 December 2023

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, Luke Brodie, Jill Butler, Karen Cavanagh, Helen Duerdon, Kevin Haygarth, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Carol Richards and Mike Weild.

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 3 members of the public

60.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs D. Baxter, Mercer, and Prescott.

It was resolved to approve the reasons for absence for Cllrs Mercer and Prescott.

61.0 Members Declaration of Interest

61.1 There were no declarations of interest declared.

62.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

Two members of the public presented an idea to the Council of a Formby medal:

It was suggested that children and maybe some adults may wish to earn a Formby medal by learning a Formby poem (a selection of Joan Rimmer’s poems have been suggested) and reciting it, learning 10 facts about Formby, and drawing a walk onto a map with annotations to say how long it takes and what you enjoy about the walk.

It was reported that a medal could be cast which would cost approximately £500 for the cast and further funding would be required to produce the medals.

The Chairman advised that they need to complete the community fund application form and submit this for review by the Finance Group, prior to being considered by the Parish Council.

The meeting was reconvened.

63.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

63.1 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 16 October 2023

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

64.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters of report.

65.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that she had attended the Remembrance Sunday service at Holy Trinity and the salute at the War Memorial on behalf of Formby Parish Council.

It was noted that volunteers are required to help pack the Christmas hampers and deliver them to the schools. This will take place on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 December at the Ravenmeols Community Centre.

66.0 Planning Applications

66.1 Employment site – members noted the application for signs for the proposed employment park but commented that these have already been erected and that they have decimated the hedgerow in the process. Cllr Richards agreed to email the Enforcement Officer.

66.2 Formby Village Sports Club – padel court. Members discussed this application and noted the problems associated with noise pollution, the effect on the new park, car parking, and the late finish of 11pm in a residential area. It was agreed to submit an objection. Cllr Richards agreed to call this in.

66.3 Victoria buildings – it was noted that a shop has been converted to form two shops.

66.4 103 Gores Lane – this application will provide a windfall house.

67.0 To discuss and approve the following.

67.1 To approve a quote of £417.40 plus vat to replace the box hedge at the library garden.

It was resolved to approve the quote of £417.40 to replace the box hedge.

67.2 To approve a community fund grant of £2,000 for a new awning for the Formby Bowling Club.

It was resolved to approve the community fund grant of £2,000 for the new awning at Formby Bowling Club.

67.3 To note that the Local Government services pay agreement has been settled for 2023-24.

Members noted the Local Government services pay agreement which is backdated to 1 April 2023 and the new pay rates applies to staff salaries.

67.4 To note that the cost of new trees planting in January/February will be within the £10,000 budget approved.

Members noted the cost of the new trees will be within the £10,000 budget.

It was noted that there will be three trees on Timms Lane, nine trees on Alt Road, four trees on Bushby’s Lane, one tree on Fountains Way and fourteen trees on Monks Drive. The consultation with the owners of the properties immediately next to the proposed tree planting area is underway by Sefton Council, as residents have an opportunity to object.

68.0 Payments

November 2023

  1. Employer expenses – £1,633.14
  2. Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and broadband, BT – £70.66
  4. Christmas tree, Illumidex UK Ltd – £1,188.00
  5. Installation of lights, star and fence tree, Illumidex UK Ltd – £900.00
  6. 50% Xmas decorations contract, Illumidex UK Ltd – £1900.80
  7. Internal audit, Sefton CVS – £60.00
  8. First aid switch on event, Chorley’s Angels – £200.00
  9. Park watering contract, JC Landscape & Horticulture – £3,648.00
  10. Park maintenance contract, JC Landscape & Horticulture – £2,880.00
  11. Winter bedding barrier baskets, JC Landscape & Horticulture – £1,110
  12. Grant for book, Formby Methodist Church – £350.00
  13. Compere Switch on event – £200.00
  14. Security Switch on event, Matrix Security – £768.00
  15. Road closure traffic signs, TaylorMade traffic management – £950.00
  16. Stage hire, XS Events – £3,420
  17. Road closure application. Sefton MBC – £512.00
  18. Microsoft renewal, Microsoft – £79.99

Total – £20,120.59

December 2023

  1. Employer expenses – £2,473.78
  2. Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and broadband, BT – £70.66
  4. Boxes for hampers, Kite packaging – £294.76

Total – £3,089.20

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

69.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with the agenda):

  • Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
  • Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting

70.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 22 January 2024, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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