Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.
Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, Jill Butler, Karen Cavanagh, Helen Duerdon, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Liz Mercer and Mike Weild
In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 members of the public
71.0 Apologies for Absence
There were apologies received from Cllrs L. Brodie, Haygarth, Prescott and Richards.
It was resolved to approve the reasons for absence for Cllrs Haygarth, Prescott, and Richards.
72.0 Members Declaration of Interest
72.1 Cllr Butler declared an interest in planning.
73.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item.
Cllr D. Irving read a submission from a resident asking if the Council would support a petition for the grass verges on the bypass to be allowed to form wild meadow verges. It was agreed to discuss this at the Environment Group.
The meeting was reconvened.
74.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
74.1 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 11 December 2023
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
75.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
There were no matters of report.
76.0 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman thanked all the volunteers for helping with the Christmas Hampers.
77.0 Planning Applications
77.1 18 Cleve Way – it was noted that there are insufficient parking spaces as required by the Neighbourhood Plan, 2 parking spaces are required for a 2-bed property – it was agreed to object.
77.2 Members noted that the Footpath adjacent to the bypass is still blocked.
77.3 Brackenway – members noted that a “scrape” dug a while ago by the developer/landowner has been full of water for months.
77.4 Victoria Road – application to demolish a house and build 2 new houses noted.
77.5 76a Gardner Road – application to demolish existing garden wall and replace with timber fencing noted.
77.6 Maryland – revised application for 13 apartments and 17 parking spaces noted.
77.7 Ravenmeols/Harebell Close application was part approved/part refused.
77.8 2 Georges Road – revised application submitted.
77.9 National Trust Car Park – appeal against refusal.
77.10 Formby Scout Group Hut – application to build 2-storey building withdrawn.
77.11 19 College Avenue – application to build a house in the garden. Members discussed that the proposed house looks too big for the area. Also, it was noted that a habitable room of the adjacent property is very close. It was agreed to submit an objection.
78.0 To discuss and approve the following.
78.1 To approve the budget for 2024/25 – finance minutes refer.
The Chairman and Responsible Finance Officer presented the budget for 2024/25.
It was resolved to approve the budget for 2024/25.
78.2 To approve the precept for 2024/25 – finance minutes refer.
The Clerk advised members that there are no council tax referendum principles for parish or town councils this year, however the principles for shire district councils is 3% or £5 per annum, whichever is higher (this accommodates councils with smaller budgets, for which percentages do not make sense). Having regard to this principle, members discussed the budget and the income needed to fulfil this budget. It was noted that the tax base for 2024/25 is 9,222.3 band d equivalent properties. Up until 2021 the tax base had been gradually rising with the number of new houses being built, however in 2021, Sefton Council informed us that the tax base had fallen by 195 properties based on their calculations for exemptions and discounts; and collection rate adjustments for the borough (nonpayment of council tax debt). The rate in 2020 was 9,205.7. Despite all the new houses built since 2020, there is only an increase of 16.6 to date. We are advised that given the level of arrears in Sefton this calculation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Members discussed the options and decided on an increase of £0.86p per annum for a band D equivalent property.
It was resolved to approve a precept of £12.59 per annum for a band D equivalent property.
78.3 To approve the quote for bark and underplanting at the Platinum Jubilee Park – environment minutes refer.
Members discussed the quote for replacement bark and underplanting and the option to include a small deflection fence to deter dogs from digging up this area.
It was resolved to approve the quote for bark and underplanting and to include a small deflection fence at the Platinum Jubilee Park for £795.40 plus vat.
79.0 Payments
- employer expenses – £1,738.22
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £70.66
- hampers, Formby van hire – £60.00
- hampers, Home Bargains – £139.30
- hampers, Home Bargains – £310.92
- hampers, Tesco – £940.65
- hampers, Tesco – £925.50
- hampers, Tesco – £243.50
- hampers, Tesco – £31.50
- park lighting, Sefton MBC – £23,680.75
- fuel for hire van, named driver – £10.01
- Final instalment of Formby Christmas Decorations Contract, Illumidex UK Ltd – £1,900.80
- Library garden and planter maintenance, JC Landscapes & Horticulture – £1,290.00
- roundabout and green space maintenance, Green Sefton – £2,318.80
- awning for bowling club grant, Formby Bowling Club – £2,000
Total – £35,910.61
It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.
80.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with the agenda):
- Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
- Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting
81.0 Date of Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 19 February 2024, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.
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