Formby Parish Council Minutes – 25 May 2021

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


25 May 2021

Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Dawn Brodie, David Dutton, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Carol Richards, Joe Riley, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 members of public

16.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllr S McCann and Prescott.

To resolve to approve apologies for absence for any Cllr unable to attend due to a Covid related reason including the restriction on numbers able to attend for a face-to-face meeting.

It was resolved to approve reasons for absence for Cllrs S McCann and B Prescott.

17.0 Members Declaration of Interest

Cllr Richards declared an interest in item (22.3). Cllr Brodie declared an interest in item (22.4).

18.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

There were no members of the public in attendance.

The meeting was reconvened.

19.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 May 2021 were approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.

20.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

20.1 Cllrs Bennett, B McCann and the Clerk have had on-line meetings with Sefton Street Lighting regarding drawing up tender documents for the Christmas Lights.

20.2 A meeting with the aboriculturalist did not take place as planned due to illness.

21.0 Planning Applications

Members discussed the planning applications on Sefton’s weekly list and noted the following:

21.1 Liverpool Road development site – issues around the use of piling machinery and the noise and vibration disruption to neighbouring properties have not been fully resolved. A further meeting will be asked for with Environmental Health.

21.2 Cllrs noted the change to the planning constitution at Sefton MBC.

21.3 12 telecommunication masts along the railway line between Ainsdale and Hightown.

21.4 Work on the Football Club site has now stopped. The site is to be cleared and returned to its original condition. Members questioned who will decide whether it has been returned to its original state and what processes of testing for contaminants will be carried out. Further information will be requested from Sefton Planning and Environmental Health.

22.0 To discuss and approve the following:

22.1 To approve the quote for the renewal of the Insurance for a 3-year term at £1,824.26 per annum.

It was resolved to approve the renewal of the Insurance for a 3-year term at £1,824.26 per annum.

22.2 To consider quotations received for the annual ground maintenance and award contracts for a 3-year term – Finance minutes refer.

It was resolved to approve the quotations for the annual ground maintenance contracts for a 3-year term as per the recommendation of the Finance Group:

Roundabout maintenance (items 1 and 2) – Contractor A:  year 1 £2,126.80, year 2 £2,126.80, year 3 £2,233.13

Library Garden maintenance (item 3) – Contractor B: year 1 £875, year 2 £875, year 3 £875

Floral displays (items 4,5,8,9,10 and 11) – Contractor B: year 1 £5,623, year 2 £5667, year 3 £5,680

22.3 To approve that the Parish Council fund the road closure cost of £1,561 plus vat for the Imagine Formby community event in the village, which would be paid directly to Sefton Council when the event has been re-scheduled. It was noted that this event is not now expected to take place until August.

Item deferred until July meeting.

22.4 To approve a donation of up to £5000 for the Radio City Cash for kids’ application for the purchase of anti-bleed kits and housing boxes for the Formby area, with the proviso that we have a meeting with them to discuss the locations and dependent on whether they receive funding from grant applications to other organisations for this.

Item deferred until July meeting.

22.5 To approve the purchase of robopets at approximately £120 each to supply one per Formby Care/Nursing Home – Finance minutes refer

It was resolved to purchase one robopet for each nursing home in Formby.

23.0 Payments

The Clerk will forward to members the payments list for the month end at the beginning of June, and this will be noted on the minutes of the next meeting.

24.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)

  • Finance and General Purposes Group Minutes
  • Environment Group Minutes

25.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6 July 2021 at 7pm, venue to be advised.


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