Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.
Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Dawn Brodie, David Dutton, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Bernie Prescott, Carol Richards, Joe Riley, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.
In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 2 Members of public.
105.0 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr S McCann.
106.0 Members Declaration of Interest
106.1 Cllrs Bennett, Richards and Riley declared an interest in planning items.
106.2 Cllr Richards declared an interest in item 112.5.
106.3 Cllr Bennett declared an interest in item 112.4.
107.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item.
107.1 A resident from Edenhurst Drive asked if more trees could be planted as so many trees were lost during the storms the previous year. It was noted that the Parish Council has planted 5 birch trees, and the resident asked if the area could be rotavated and seeded. The Chairman advised that the Parish Council couldn’t decide on this at this meeting and that it would need to be discussed at the Environment meeting in June. It was also suggested to make enquiries with the Neighbourhood’s Officer at Sefton Council, through the Ward Cllrs.
107.2 A resident reported that the Sefton Ward Cllrs had planted pine trees further up Kirklake road and asked if dwarf varieties of pine trees could be planted at the junction with Edenhurst Drive. The Chairman advised that this could be put forward as a suggestion for the next planting season in 2024.
The meeting was reconvened.
108.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
108.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7 March 2023
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
109.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
109.1 Trinity Lodge
The Chair and Clerk met with owners from Trinity Lodge to discuss the complaint that had been made. The complaint was withdrawn immediately prior to the meeting. At the meeting owners were very complimentary about the new park.
109.2 Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
A letter of commendation will be sent to the Contractor.
109.3 Freshfield Caravan Site
A letter has been sent to National Trust Chief Executive regarding the situation at the Freshfield Caravan Site. A reply is awaited.
110.0 Chairman’s Report
110.1 The Chairman reflected on his time as Chair of the Parish Council and wished everyone well and success at the Ballot Box.
111.0 Planning Applications
111.1 College Path, erection of 3 detached dwellings – refused.
111.2 31A Victoria Road, application for care home – it was agreed to send an objection.
111.3 Brackenway Site – it was noted that some of the conditions had been approved, and other conditions not approved including the drainage. It was noted that a new masterplan has been submitted to planning. However, planning has stated that development cannot commence until the drainage has been sorted.
112.0 To discuss and approve the following:
112.1 To approve a budget of £700 plus vat for a blue plaque to be purchased and installed, dedicated to the renowned local artist Muriel Sibley.
It was resolved to approve a budget of £700 plus vat for the blue plaque dedicated to Muriel Sibley.
112.2 To approve the payment dates for staff salaries for the year to 31 March 2024
It was resolved to approve the payment dates of the 7th of each month for staff salaries.
112.3 To approve delegated responsibilities to the Finance and General Purposes Group to oversee the monthly payee amounts for staff salaries.
It was resolved to approve delegated responsibilities to the Finance and General Purposes Group to oversee the monthly budget of employer payments for staff salaries.
112.4 To approve a grant for Formby Junior Sports Club of £1,200 – Finance minutes refer.
It was resolved to approve a grant of £1,200 for Formby Junior Sports Club for work to secure the rear metal security doors, to provide a new fire door and panic bolt at the club house.
112.5 To approve a grant of £1,550 as part of a match funded project with the Ward Cllrs, for the refurbishment of the Ravenmeols Community Centre – Finance minutes refer.
It was resolved to approve a grant of £1,550, subject to assurance from the Neighbourhood’s Officer on match funding and confirmation of the lease renewal.
112.6 To approve a grant of £1,000 for a gardening project at Formby Library – Finance minutes refer.
It was resolved to approve a grant of £1,000 for a gardening project at Formby Library, to include a fruit press, seeds, compost, tools, water butt, compost bin and other related gardening items.
112.7 To approve a quote of £7,448.25 plus vat, for 3 solar lights to be installed at the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
It was resolved to approve a quote of £7,448.25 plus vat for 3 solar lights to be installed at the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Park.
112.8 To approve a budget for the notice board for the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
It was resolved to approve a budget of up to £2,500 for the notice board.
112.9 To discuss and approve the contents for the insurance policy to obtain a renewal quote.
It was resolved to approve an increase in the contents schedule to cover items purchased for the insurance renewal.
112.10 To resolve that pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration and approval of commercial contracts details at 112.11 and 112.12.
112.11 To discuss and approve the quotes for the extension of the grounds maintenance contract to include the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
It was resolved to approve the quote submitted by JC Landscape and Horticulture for a one-year term.
112.12 To discuss and approve the quote for the extension of the watering contract to include the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park
It was resolved to approve the quote submitted by JC Landscape and Horticulture for a one-year term.
113.0 Payments
- Employer expenses – £1,598.79
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
- part payment Park project, JC Landscape and Horticulture – £9,648.00
- Installation and removal of bunting, Illumidex – £4,792.80
- Fencing and gated access to park, Sunnyfields – £1,668.00
- Ground prep, tree planting, removal of Viking sculpture, Sefton MBC – £10,715.00
- Grant to Formby Junior Sports Club, Formby Junior Sports Club – £1,200.00
- Grant to Ravenmeols Community Centre, Ravenmeols Community Centre – £1,550.00
- Grant to Formby Library, Sefton MBC – £1,000.00
- Supply and installation of solar lighting, Jones Lighting Ltd, £8,937.90
- Fencing for wildflower areas in the park, JC Landscape and Horticulture – £539.93
Total – £41,960.36
It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.
114.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)
- Finance and General Purposes Group minutes
- Environment Group minutes
115.0 Date of Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 15 May 2023, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.
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