Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.
Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Carol Richards, Joe Riley, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.
In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 Members of public
72.0 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Brodie, Dutton, D Irving, Y Irving, S McCann and Prescott.
It was resolved to approve absence for Cllrs Brodie and S McCann due to illness.
73.0 Members Declaration of Interest
73.1 There were no declarations of interest.
74.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
The meeting was reconvened.
75.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
75.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 1 November 2022
Amendment to minute 69.0 Taylor Made Traffic Management invoice listed as £950, which was the net cost. The amount including the VAT is £1,140
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2022 subject to the amendment were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
76.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
76.1 Members discussed the organisation for the Christmas Hampers. It was noted that the Formby Food Pantry have offered to help and the Clerk will liaise with the food pantry and Cllr Bennett. It was agreed that the hampers need to be delivered to the schools by Friday 16 December and Cllrs were asked to volunteer to help with this task.
77.0 Chairman’s Report
77.1 The Chairman reported that he met with Sefton Officers and the Clerk to discuss the CCTV at Duke Street Park. An agreement had been reached with the library services to allow the system in the park to be linked to the monitors in the library. At a later date it may be possible to link the CCTV in Phillips Lane to the same system.
78.0 Planning Applications
78.1 Elin Church DC/2022/02107 to clad with metal cladding. Cllrs raised concern as it is not in keeping with the surrounding area.
78.2 Taylor Wimpy have offered to meet with Formby Parish Council. The Information they have provided is limited and does not show how they are going to achieve an improvement on flood risk for the existing residents. Proposal states that they would have an early warning system – members agreed that giving out sandbags is not an improvement for the residents. It was agreed to write to the Lead Flood Authority with our concerns.
79.0 To discuss and approve the following:
79.1 To approve installation of the welcome signs for a total cost of £763.75 (Environment minutes refer).
Cllr Appleton reported on the Welcome sign project and the final design for the signs. The southerly sign to be situated near the new housing development on Liverpool Road and the northerly sign to be situated on Southport Road, as approved by Highways.
It was resolved to approve the installation costs for the welcome signs of £763.75 plus vat.
79.2 To approve a quote of £6,480 plus vat received from Sefton Arc for the proposed CCTV in Duke Street Park.
It was resolved to approve the quote of £6,480 plus vat received from Sefton Arc for the proposed CCTV in Duke Street Park, which is for 8 cameras, 4 cameras per power pole, together with a Wi-Fi link to the library and an upgrade to the library system recorder and monitor to facilitate the additional cameras.
79.3 To approve that the Parish Council will take on responsibility for the ownership and upkeep of the Viking Statue and to discuss alternative locations for the relocation of this.
Members noted that the Sorting Office had agreed to this being relocated there, however their surveyors keep throwing up more queries and there has been no final agreement. An alternative location is at the front of the library building, which the library services have approved. This is a joint project with the Harington Ward Cllrs and funding has already been approved.
It was resolved to take responsibility for the ownership, insurance, and maintenance of the Viking Statue. Cllrs agreed to relocate it from Chapel Lane to the front of Formby Library.
79.4 To approve expenditure of up to £10,000 for trees to be planted January to March, in consultation with Green Sefton.
It was resolved to approve the expenditure of up to £10,000 for trees planting.
79.5 To resolve that pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the quotes and approval of the awarding of the contract for the Lonsdale Road green space.
Members discussed the quotes received and noted that this was advertised on the Government Contract Finders website, and the Parish Council website. The Harington Ward Cllrs are jointly funding this project.
It was resolved to award the contract to JC Landscape and Horticulture at a cost of £74,722 subject to negotiating on the final design and the number, type and size of trees and shrubs.
79.6 To note the pay award backdated to 1 April 2022 as published by the National Association of Local Councils (Finance and General Purposes Group minutes refer)
Cllrs noted the pay award backdated to 1 April 2022.
79.7 To approve a virement of £58,000 from earmarked reserves to the projects budget (Finance and General Purposes Group minutes refer)
It was resolved to approve a virement of £58,000 from earmarked reserves to the projects budget.
80.0 Payments
- Employer expenses – £2,129.68
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
- Security for switch on event, Matrix Security – £476.00
- Postage, Post Office – £15.20
- Stage hire, pa system and pedestrian barriers, Glawton Limited – £3,240.00
- A5 flyers and leaflets, Solopress – £31.05
- A4 posters, Solopress – £16.46
- Planning consultant fees, AECOM Ltd – £2,686.80
- CCTV repair Phillips Lane, Sefton MBC – £462.42
- 50% payment for xmas lights contract, Illumidex UK Ltd – £1,900.80
- additional tree lighting for 9 trees, Illumidex UK Ltd – £10,249.20*
- Formby food pantry grant, Compassion Acts – £1,000.00
Total – £12268.35
*assumes an estimate of £294 for highway inspection fees
It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.
81.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)
- Finance and General Purposes Group minutes
- Environment Group minutes
82.0 Date of Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 31 January 2023, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.
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