In compliance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Formby Parish Council publishes items of Council expenditure, with the exception of salaries, that individually exceed £500.

The VAT as itemised is reclaimed by the Parish Council.

Please note due to data protection, we are not allowed to disclose the names of sole traders or individuals.

Gross vat net
Reason Payee amount amount
Office lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
subscription LALC 2,074.69 0.00 2,074.69
Office lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Office lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Insurance Renewal Came and Company 1,824.26 0.00 1,824.26
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
legal advice Kingsley Smith Solicitors LLP 720.00 120.00 600.00
legal advice Kingsley Smith Solicitors LLP 8,000.00 1,288.00 6,712.00
robopets for care homes Robopets 438.00 73.00 365.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
3 tier planter Plantscape Ltd 670.62 670.62
part payment for Christmas decorations Illumidex uk ltd 11,686.80 1,947.80 9,739.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
tree inspection BHA Trees Ltd 396.00 66.00 330.00
court fee Kingsley Smith Solicitors LLP 770.00 0.00 770.00
external audit fee PKF littlejohn LLP 360.00 60.00 300.00
watering and library maintenance Sole Trader 3,040.00 0.00 3,040.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
tree lights Illumidex uk ltd 8,280.00 1,380.00 6,900.00
planning support Aecom 5,028.00 838.00 4,190.00
Emergency Bleed Control Cabinet Turtle Engineering Ltd 420.00 70.00 350.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
stage hire Glawton Ltd 1,920.00 320.00 1,600.00
community fund grant Imagine Formby 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
Legal professional charges Kingsley Smith Solicitors LLP 710.00 138.00 572.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
event traffic management Taylormade Traffic Management 972.96 162.16 810.80
baskets and planters winter planting sole trader 920.00 0.00 920.00
event security Matrix Security 400.00 0.00 400.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Supply install xmas tree Illumidex uk ltd 1,920.00 320.00 1,600.00
emergency removal of festoon and replacement cabling Illumidex uk ltd 1,842.00 307.00 1,535.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
part payment for Christmas decorations Illumidex uk ltd 11,686.80 1,947.80 9,739.00
legal expenses Kingsley Smith Solicitors LLP 11,004.00 1,834.00 9,170.00
street lighting recharge Sefton MBC 814.80 135.80 679.00
grounds maintenance Sefton MBC 4,514.40 752.40 3,762.00
Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Court Awarded fee Sefton MBC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00
public bleed kits Safeguard Medical 1,920.00 320.00 1,600.00
barrier baskets, liners and brackets Plantscape Ltd 382.99 63.83 319.16