In compliance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Formby Parish Council publishes items of Council expenditure, with the exception of salaries, that individually exceed £500.

The VAT as itemised is reclaimed by the Parish Council.

Please note due to data protection, we are not allowed to disclose the names of sole traders or individuals.



Gross amount


net amount


Office lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Grant to Luncheon Club Luncheon Club 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
road closure for xmas lights Sefton MBC 468.00 0.00 468.00
NALC annual membership LALC 2,113.71 0.00 2,113.71
tree planting Sefton MBC 4,596.00 0.00 4,596.00
contribution to street light Buckfast Drive Sefton MBC 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00


Office lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
union Jack bunting Illumidex UK Ltd 2,285.07 380.85 1,904.22
renewal Arthur J Gallagher 1,998.13 0.00 1,998.13


Office lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Jubilee bunting Illumidex UK Ltd 2820.00 470.00 2,350.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
planting and maintenance JC Landscape and Horticulture 3,868.00 0.00 3,868.00
professional fees Sefton MBC 500.00 0.00 500.00
Grant Formby Festival 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00
removal and storage of bunting Illumidex UK Ltd 1,796.40 299.40 1,497.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
award trophies mysignworks NW ltd 514.64 85.77 428.87
external audit fee PKF Littlejohn 480.00 80.00 400.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Grant for Heritage Centre Carpet Imagine Formby 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
Room dressing Parties For You 562.00 0.00 562.00
Buffet refreshments Shop receipts 419.16 0.00 419.16
professional fees Birketts 720.00 120.00 600.00
planting and maintenance JC Landscape and Horticulture 1,650.00 0.00 1,650.00
50% payment for installation of Xmas Lights Illumidex UK Ltd 1,900.80 316.80 1,584.00
Christmas tree Illumidex UK Ltd 1,188.00 198.00 990.00
Grant for Santa Wagon repair and new lights Formby Rotary Club 1,900.00 0.00 1,900.00
Christmas tree lights Illumidex UK Ltd 660.00 110.00 550.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Traffic management for road closure Taylor Made Traffic Management Ltd 1,140.00 190.00 950.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
security for switch on event Matrix Security 476.00 0.00 476.00
stage hire, pa system and pedestrain barriers Glawton Limited 3,240.00 540.00 2,700.00
planning consultant fees AECOM ltd 2,686.80 447.00 2,239.80
CCTV repair Phillips Lane Sefton MBC 462.42 77.07 385.35
50% payment for xmas lights contract Illumidex UK Ltd 1,900.80 316.80 1,584.00
additional tree lighting for 9 trees Illumidex UK Ltd 9,720.00 1,620.00 8,100.00
Formby Food pantry grant Compassion Acts 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
cleansing services for event Sefton MBC 300.00 50.00 250.00
Xmas hampers Tesco 1,825.22 0.00 1,825.22
Welcome signs Sefton MBC 916.50 152.75 763.75


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
halo lights Sefton MBC 8,836.75 0.00 8,836.75
autumn planting and maintenance JC Landscape and Horticulture 2,075.00 0.00 2,075.00
Lonsdale Park contact installment JC Landscape and Horticulture 50,696.40 8,449.40 42,247.00


Office Lease Sefton MBC 250 0 250
Lonsdale Road Lease registration fees Breens Solicitors Ltd 744.00 129.00 615.00
Grounds maintenance Sefton MBC 2,972.16 495.36 2,476.80
Newsletter Distribution fees Formby Publishing Co Ltd 360.00 60.00 300.00
Newsletter Solopress 689.52 0.00 689.52
Lonsdale Park contact installment JC Landscape and Horticulture 29,322.00 4,887.00 24,435.00