Meeting – 16 September 2024

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


16 September 2024

Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, Luke Brodie, Karen Cavanagh, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Paul Millington (from item 44), Joe Riley (from item 44), Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 4 members of the public.

40.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from councillors Appleton and Butler.

It was resolved to approve apologies for absence for Councillor Appleton for Covid related reason.

41.0 Members Declaration of Interest

41.1 There were no declarations of interest declared.

42.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

A representative from the Formby British Legion advised that nationally the police will no longer support British Legion parades. This will affect the parade normally held in Formby on Remembrance Sunday. Previously the British Legion have taken responsibility for the parades but now nationally the Councils are being asked to take on the responsibility. If the parade is to go ahead Sefton Borough Council would have to accept responsibility and engage and fund for a private firm to provide this support. It is not known at this time whether the Formby parade will go ahead. The remembrance service and the service at the memorial will still go ahead. Councillors asked to be kept informed.

Three of the applicants for the three Casual Vacancies each spoke in turn to introduce themselves to the Councillors and provided information on their past and present careers, the skills they could bring to the Council and how long they have lived in Formby.

The meeting was reconvened.

43.0 To Discuss and Resolve:

43.1 To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor on Harington Ward and to co-opt candidates to fill the three vacancies on the Parish Council.

It was resolved to co-opt Dr Fraser Hunt to the Parish Council to represent Harington Ward.

It was resolved to co-opt Mr Paul Millington to the Parish Council to represent Harington Ward.

It was resolved to co-opt Cllr Joe Riley to the Parish Council to represent Harington Ward.

44.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

44.1 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 15 July 2024

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

45.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

Minute 36.6 The Clerk reported that the ward councillors have received some complaints about installing a fence on the Dukes Street side of Duke Street Park. It was noted that a consultation will be undertaken before a final decision is made regarding the installation of the fence. Cllr Cavanagh reported that some of the residents who have complained have said that a lot of money has already been spent on providing lighting and CCTV, and that the money would be better spent on other areas of the park that need upgrading, or on youth activities. Members asked that the consultation informs residents of the reason for installing a fence including the problems with ASB and the problems caused by the travellers cutting down the hedgerow to gain access. It was questioned whether the consultation is just for residents who live opposite the park or for all residents. The Clerk was asked to follow this up with Sefton Council.

46.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that the Pride of Formby Awards will be held on Friday 4th October and if any member wishes to attend please inform the Clerk urgently as we need to do a seating plan and order the buffet.

The Christmas Lights switch on event will be held on Thursday 21st November. Can members please inform the Clerk if they are available to help.

47.0 Planning Applications

Members noted the following:

47.1 Councillor Baxter informed members that there is a consultation on planning reforms. There are proposed new planning reforms on introducing grey belt land ie land in the green belt that has been used for agricultural building, which would affect greenbelt land in Formby. It was agreed to respond on behalf of Formby and Little Altcar Parish Councils. Anyone may comment online by 24 September.

47.2 Brackenway allocated site – we received a letter from a resident expressing concern that methane gas could be released which will potentially be an issue for the houses existing on Brackenway. It was reported that the Contaminated Land Team have made comments on application DC/2024/00207 in relation to Brackenway:

“Tier Environmental Ltd detailed in the Ground Investigation Report that ground levels will need to be raised across the majority of the development site to provide a development platform.

In their correspondence, Tier Environmental Ltd state it was previously identified that there may be a risk to adjacent site users from migration of ground gas from the peat deposits due to the surcharging of the deposits if ground levels are to be raised. It is proposed that gas monitoring wells will be installed on the site boundary and monitoring undertaken during and following site earthworks.”

The resident also mentioned that a newt had been seen on their property. Cllr Baxter will respond to the resident and to the Planning Department, notifying them of our concerns.

47.3 36A Chapel Lane – Change of use from an estate agents (Class E) to a restaurant with takeaway facilities (Sui Genesis) and the layout of a pavement café.

47.4 Cllr Iving reported that the complaint to the Ombudsman regarding the application to approve a padel court has been knocked back as the Ombudsman will not investigate complaints from Parish Councils as they cannot investigate complaints made by public bodies.

47.5 103 Gores Lane – planning application approved for erection of a detached dwellinghouse with vehicular access and associated works to the North of the existing site of 103 Gores Lane, and alterations to existing elevations at 103 Gores Lane and existing vehicular access. Cllr Irving reported that there have been 327 windfall units built in Formby during the Local Plan period to date, the equivalent of a large housing development. He explained that if one house is demolished and two houses built, then there is 1 windfall unit. But there is no recognition by Sefton Council of the number of windfalls in Formby and no corresponding improvement to infrastructure or services.

48.0 To Discuss and Resolve

48.1 To approve the grant application from the St Luke’s Scout Group for a grant towards the installation of solar power to the scout hut.

It was resolved to award a grant of £550 to Saint Luke’s Scout Group for the installation of solar power to the Scout Hut

48.2 To authorise for the Clerk to sign the tenant declaration accompanying the lease for the office premises at Formby Library.

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to sign the tenant declaration on behalf of Formby Parish Council

48.3 To authorise for two Councillors to sign the lease and the Clerk as witness to the signatures, in accordance with Standing Orders, to renew the lease on the office premises at Formby Library.

It was resolved to authorise for two Counsellors to sign the lease which will be witnessed by the Clerk

48.4 To approve the quote for the plinth and installation of the Viking Sculpture of £1168 plus vat, at the Formby Pool gardens.

It was resolved to approve the quote of £1168 plus VAT for the plinth and installation of the Viking sculpture

48.5 To receive the External Auditor Report for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and to note that there were no matters brought to the attention of the Parish Council.

Members received the external auditor report and noted that there were no matters brought to the attention of the council

The report has been published on the Parish Council website

48.6 To approve the service contract with Sefton Arc for the CCTV at Phillips Lane at a cost of £300 plus vat per annum.

It was resolved to approve for a service contract with Sefton Ark for the CCTV at Phillips Lane at a cost of £300 plus VAT per annum

48.7 To approve the cost of a 25’ Christmas tree which is estimated to be £1,039 plus vat to include delivery, installation and removal.

It was resolved to approve for the purchase of a 25-foot Christmas tree estimated at £1039 plus VAT

48.8 To approve the installation, testing, storage and removal of the lights, star and fence for the real Christmas tree of £825 plus vat.

It was resolved to approve the quote of £825 plus VAT for the installation testing storage and removal of the lights star and fence for the real Christmas tree.

48.9 To approve a budget for the Christmas hampers for families in need.

It was resolved to approve a budget of £4000 for the Christmas hampers for families in need, which is done in conjunction with the local schools

48.10 Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of items 48.11 and 48.12.

It was resolved to approve that the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following items

48.11 To receive quotes and appoint a grounds maintenance contractor for the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028.

It was resolved to appoint JC Landscape and Horticulture for the following contracts for the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028:

  • Village, Redgate and Library planters’ winter and summer planting
  • Platinum Jubilee Park maintenance
  • Library garden maintenance
  • Watering of planters, baskets and roundabouts

48.12 To receive quotes and appoint a Christmas lights contractor for the period 1 October 2024 to 31 September 2027.

It was resolved to appoint Illumidex as the Christmas Lights contractor for the period 1 October 2024 to 31 September 2027

49.0 Payments

August Payments

  1. employer expenses – £1,813.28
  2. office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and Broadband, BT – £8.40
  4. Gravity Forms Website, Gravity Forms – £47.00
  5. External Audit, PKF Littlejohn LLP – £504.00
  6. CCTV Duke Street Park, Sefton MBC – £7,776.00
  7. CCTV Phillips Lane, Sefton MBC – £514.80
  8. Bark chippings for village trees, Named Person – £41.94
  9. Internal audit fee, Sefton CVS – £63.00

Total £11,018.42

September Payments

  1. employer expenses – £1,813.28
  2. office lease, Sefton MBC – £291.66
  3. Office phone and Broadband, BT – £73.14
  4. Glass trophies, Custom Acrylics Ltd – £395.88

Total £2,573.96

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

50.0 The Following Reports were Noted (circulated with the agenda):

  • Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
  • Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting

51.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 21 October 2024, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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