Minutes – 15 July 2024

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


15 July 2024

Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Colin Appleton – from minute 32 onwards, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, Luke Brodie, Jill Butler, Karen Cavanagh, Helen Duerdon – minutes 28 to 31 only, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Liz Mercer, Carol Richards – minutes 28 to 31 only, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke – from minute 32 onwards.

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 5 members of the public.

28.0 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies received.

29.0 Members Declaration of Interest

29.1 There were no declarations on interest declared.

30.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

The applicants for the two Casual Vacancies each spoke in turn to introduce themselves to the Councillors and provided information on their past and present careers, the skills they could bring to the Council and how long they have lived in Formby.

The meeting was reconvened.

31.0 To Discuss and Resolve

It was agreed to bring forward the following items on the agenda:

31.1 To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor on Harington Ward and to co-opt a candidate to fill the vacancy on the Parish Council.

It was resolved to co-opt Cllr Paul Wiencke to the Parish Council to represent Harington Ward.

31.2 To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor on Ravenmeols Ward and to co-opt a candidate to fill the vacancy on the Parish Council.

It was resolved to co-opt Cllr Colin Appleton to the Parish Council to represent Ravenmeols Ward.

32.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

32.1 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 17 June 2024

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

33.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

Minute 19.0 The Clerk confirmed that the open spaces adjacent to Edenhurst Drive and Kirklake Road are part of the public highway and maintained by Sefton Highways. The trees were funded by the Parish Council and planted by Sefton Council. The Clerk has enquired with Sefton about any warranty for those that have failed.

Minute 24.1 Grant for Formby Festival, the Clerk confirmed that accounts had been received and advised that the directors do not receive any payment, salary or commission from the proceeds of the event.

34.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that the Pride of Formby Awards and the Christmas Lights switch on events will be held in October and November respectively.

35.0 Planning Applications

Members noted the following planning applications:

35.1 Padel Court – Cllr Irving reported that the Stage 2 complaint had not been upheld. It was agreed to review further information and to compile a report for the Ombudsman on the procedural issues identified. Members discussed the anticipated noise disturbance to the residents living nearby and noted that there is a separate procedure for residents to complain about noise intrusion.

35.2 Application DC/2024/00786 to remove 25 trees and prune 2 at Firwood Hall. Planning permission only approved for 11 to be felled as the rest are healthy.

35.3 National Trust Car Park Victoria Road Formby – the relocation of the existing car park and restoration of the dune habitat appeal has been allowed with conditions.

36.0 To Discuss and Resolve

36.3 To approve the grant application from the St Luke’s Scout Group for a grant towards the installation of solar power to the scout hut.

Item deferred.

36.4 To note the expenditure for two new office chairs of £372 plus vat.

Members noted the expenditure of £372 plus vat for two new office chairs.

36.5 To approve the extension of the maintenance contract to include the planting up of the top two tiers of the three tier planters and to increase the maintenance visits by 4. (Environment minutes refer).

It was resolved to approve the extension of the maintenance contract to include the planting up of the top two tiers of the three tier planters for the autumn season and to increase the maintenance visits by 4.

36.6 To approve the expenditure of £10,000 contribution to the railings for Duke Street Park, pending confirmation of the quotes obtained by Sefton Council. Members discussed the quote recommended by Sefton Council of £25,480 but noted that the fence height had not been specified.

It was resolved to amend the resolution to read: To approve the expenditure of up to £10,000 contribution to the fencing at Duke Street Park, subject to confirmation from Sefton Council that the fence height is 1.8m or higher.

It was resolved to approve the expenditure of up to £10,000 contribution to the fencing at Duke Street Park, subject to confirmation from Sefton Council that the fence height is 1.8m or higher.

37.0 Payments

  1. employer expenses – £1,813.28
  2. office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. office phone and broadband, BT – £73.14
  4. office chairs x 2, C R Business Equipment Ltd – £446.40
  5. updating Chairman board, ESB Publicity – £110.00
  6. grant, Formby Festival – £1,500
  7. 24 x window box brackets, G Burley and Sons Ltd – £682.80
  8. stamps, Post Office – £10.80

Total – £4,886.42

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

38.0 The Following Reports were Noted (circulated with the agenda):

  • Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
  • Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting

39.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 16 September 2024, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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