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The Parish Council have created a new park for Formby residents located on Lonsdale Road. This land was previously held by Children’s Services comprising the former school playing field to the former Holy Trinity Primary School. The land was designated as a residential housing allocation site on Sefton Council’s Local Plan Policies Map for Formby – adopted April 2017 and was not open for public use.

The Parish Council negotiated a 99 year lease agreement and developed this to promote health and wellbeing by providing a public open green space for community enjoyment to be known as the Platinum Jubilee Park.

The Parish Council have followed Sefton Council and other local councils and declared a Climate Emergency. The tree planting and re-wilding of this area will contribute towards the improved biodiversity and carbon off-setting and at the same time, responding to the global problem of a decline in pollinators by introducing a better habitat for insects such as bees and butterflies.

A survey was conducted asking residents in surrounding roads what they wanted. The responses included mown pathways with benches, more trees and shrubs, wildflower meadow areas, not children’s play equipment.


Previous resident surveys conducted during the preparation of the Formby and Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan, led to the objectives of providing more public open space, improving and enhancing existing open space, and to create a network of green spaces and corridors that sustains local wildlife and a sense of rural living throughout the town. This project is viewed as working towards those objectives. The Neighbourhood Plan identifies the need to maximise opportunities to use green infrastructure such as tree planting, buffer strips and wildlife areas to help manage climate change effects on surface and ground water and to mitigate the effect of habitat change.

The Formby Little Theatre is adjacent to this land and in support of the arts an area for summer outdoor performances, has been included.

The park has been funded by the Parish Council in conjunction with the Harington Ward Cllrs.