Formby Parish Council – Minutes 16 October 2023

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Dawn Brodie, Jill Butler, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Carol Richards and Mike Weild.

In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 1 Member of the public

49.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs L Brodie, Cavanagh, Duerdon, Haygarth, Mercer and Prescott.

50.0 Members Declaration of Interest

50.1 There were no declarations of interest declared.

51.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

A resident addressed the Council to say that he had submitted a planning application for a house extension and was attending to answer any questions. He reported that there was nothing contentious in the application.

The meeting was reconvened.

52.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

52.1 Minutes of the Ordinary held on 18 September 2023

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

53.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters of report.

54.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman announced that the Parish Council’s thoughts are with all the innocent civilians involved in the conflict between Israel and Gaza.

55.0 Planning Applications

55.1 Land to the north of Formby Industrial Estate – it was reported that a meeting was held with the planning consultants for the site allocated in the Local Plan on land north of Stephenson Way. It was noted that as per the conditions in the Local Plan there would be a traffic light junction/pedestrian crossing to access the site from the bypass. Members raised issues on access from Stephenson Way and by bus and discussed the flood risk particularly to residential housing on the opposite side of the bypass. Members noted that the plans are in the early stages and there is insufficient detail to engage a flood risk expert to assess the flood risk mitigation proposals.

55.2 Footpath number 6 – a couple of members walked the footpath, which goes across the fields on the east side of the bypass to Southport Old Road. It has been diverted once and now the owner has applied for the closure of part of the path. Members reported that the path has only been partially established. The west to east perimeter of the field has been demarked with wire fencing to keep walkers away from the horses, but the north to south section of the path has been blocked off, forcing walkers to use the bypass cycle path. Members considered that this was degrading the views of the footpath by diverting onto the bypass cycle path which is a less appealing route. It was agreed to report to the Rights of Way Officer and ask for this to be reinstated.

55.3 Maryland Homes – application for certificate of lawfulness for continuation of use as a nursing home.

55.4 St Luke’s Primary School – Prior notification application for the erection of solar panels

55.5 Land west of Formby bypass and north of Liverpool Road – application for approval of conditions including the pedestrian crossing.

55.6 86 Victoria Road – application to demolish 1 house and build 2 houses.

Cllr Irving reported that he has been keeping track of the number of houses built in gardens and there have been 142 windfall homes since 2015.

55.7 Land to the east and west of West Lane – application for the Erection of 91 no. dwellings (C3), one six-bedroom block of supported living accommodation (C2), a new sports pavilion with associated vehicle parking, new vehicular access from West Lane and Brewery Lane and landscaping and ancillary infrastructure following demolition of existing buildings. Members noted that the allocation in the Sefton Local plan was for the east side of West Lane only. Following the closure of the former Clarence House High School this site to the west of West Lane is included in the plan. Members expressed concern about traffic in the area, and the large number of additional vehicles, the original allocation being for 40 houses not 91. It was agreed to respond to the planning application.

55.8 Badgers Rake – it was reported that trees have been felled. Permission was granted in 2018 to fell the trees, but that permission had since expired. An Enforcement officer will investigate.

56.0 To discuss and approve the following.

56.1 To approve an increase for the environment budget to £15,000 (Finance minutes refer)

It was resolved to approve an increase for the environment budget to £15,000.

56.2 To approve an increase for the newsletter budget to £1,924 (Finance minutes refer)

It was resolved to approve an increase for the newsletter budget to £1,924.

56.3 To approve the amendment to the community fund guidelines (Finance minutes refer)

It was resolved to approve the amendment to the community fund guidelines as follows:

“To enable the Community Fund to benefit wide and diverse groups of people in Formby, no applications would normally be considered for further funding within a 12-month period following a successful application.”

56.4 To discuss allocating an earmarked project budget for Duke Street Park improvements as a joint funded project with the Ward Cllrs and Sefton Council.

It was resolved to allocate a sum of £10,000 as an earmarked budget for the Duke Street Park improvements project.

56.5 To discuss a request from Sefton Highways for a contribution to the new matrix signs for Formby Bypass. Members discussed the request and felt that the funding for the signs should be provided by Sefton Highways and the National Trust. It was noted that the mobile signs in use are presently used by Highways to warn motorists of road works to the bypass. This is a busy road servicing the north of the borough and is the responsibility of Highways.

It was resolved to refuse the request from Sefton Highways for a contribution towards new matrix signs.

57.0 Payments

  1. Employer expenses – £1,633.14
  2. Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and broadband, BT – £70.66
  4. Office supplies, Select Office – £291.71
  5. Flags, House of Flags – £141.83
  6. Wreath, Royal British Legion – £30.00
  7. A4 posters, Solopress – £17.47

Total – £2,434.81

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

58.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with the agenda):

  • Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
  • Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting

59.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 19 November 2023, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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