Formby Parish Council Minutes – 5 July 2022

Meetings, Minutes

Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.


Present: Councillors: Bob McCann (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter,  Dawn Brodie, David Dutton, David Irving, Yvonne Irving, Susan McCann, Bernie Prescott, Joe Riley and Mike Weild

In Attendance: Mo Kundi (Locum Clerk) and 0 Members of public

28.0 Apologies for Absence

Written apologies were received from Cllrs Richards and Wiencke

29.0 Members Declaration of Interest

29.1 There were no declarations of interest declared

30.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

There were no members of the public in attendance.

The meeting was reconvened.

31.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

31.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7 June 2022

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

32.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

32.1 The Chairman reported that the lease agreement for Lonsdale Road open green space was signed and sealed and took effect from 28 June 2022. Once the hard copy has been received the Clerk will register our interest at Land Registry.

33.0 Chairman’s Report

There was no Chairman’s report this month.

34.0 Planning Applications

34.1 Cllr. David Irving referred to additional 20 planning applications received by Sefton Council for domestic dwellings, including one a nursing home. He stated that in total some 199 additional houses have been approved. He also referred to the recent call from Sefton Council for any vacant land for domestic dwellings and suggested that perhaps this should not be considered for Formby as Formby has had its fair share of new housing development.

Reference was also made to land off Ravenmeols Lane, which appears to be on the market with approved planning permission.

35.0 To discuss and approve the following:

35.1 To discuss and approve the quote for the winter tree lights and power poles, less any contribution agreed by the Ward Cllrs (Environment minutes refer)

The Chairman reported that in conjunction with Sefton Street Lighting a quote has been received for the tree lights and new power poles required to feed the lights. For 9 additional trees to be lit it will cost approximately £14,541, including permit and inspection fees, plus vat.

25 trees have been lit in Ainsdale and the cost of the power poles is based on that project of £800 per power pole plus approximately £150 for the electrical infrastructure in each pole to power the lights.

The cost of the lights is approximately £600 per tree depending on the size of the tree. The lights should last about 5 years, but the cost of replacing the lights is then considerably reduced as the power poles and electrical infrastructure is already in place.

We have asked the Ward Cllrs for a contribution and await their response.

It was resolved to approve the quote, with Cllrs. D. Irving and Riley abstaining.  

35.2 To approve for the Clerk to request authorisation for a park notice board and apply for any associated permissions required.

It was resolved to approve the park notice board and apply for any associated permissions required.

35.3 To approve the quote from Green Sefton for the ground’s maintenance for Lonsdale Road open green space for 2022 of £635 per annum.

It was resolved to approve the quote from Green Sefton for the ground’s maintenance for £635 per annum.

35.4 To discuss and approve the expenditure for halo lights for the two pedestrian crossings on Church Road at an estimated cost of £2,666.63 per unit.

It was resolved to defer this item and for the Clerk to seek the view of the Police and potential sources of alternative funding, including contributions from Section 106 and to:-

a). Crossing near the Fire Station – to consider alternative designs for the halo

b). Crossing near the flats – to consider a pelican crossing

35.5 To note the fees payable to SMBC surveyor and legal costs amounted to £500, not £350 as previously advised by Sefton Council legal department, for the lease completion for Lonsdale Road open green space.

Cllrs noted the increased in fees payable to SMBC surveyor and legal costs of £500.

35.6 To note the cost of removing and storing the bunting, including highways permit, and inspection fees of £1,497 plus vat.

Cllrs noted the cost of removing and storing the bunting for £1,497, plus vat.

35.7 To note the fee estimate of £1,380 plus vat for AECOM to undertake a detailed planning review to inform the Parish Council’s response to the Old Lane (Brackenway) conditions discharge application.

Cllrs noted the fee estimate of £1,380 plus vat for AECOM to undertake a detailed planning review.

36.0 Payments

  1. Employer expenses – £1,497.28
  2. Office lease, Sefton MBC – £250.00
  3. Office phone and broadband, BT – £59.94
  4. Post, Clerk – £2.05
  5. Planting and maintenance, JC Landscape and Horticulture – £3,868.00
  6. Professional fees, SMBC – £500.00
  7. Grant, Formby Festival – £2,000.00
  8. Data protection fee, ICO – £35.00
  9. Refreshments for Jubilee event, Formby Little Theatre – £25.00
  10. Sundry items for Jubilee event – £145.55
  11. Google subscription, Google Commerce Ltd – £15.99
  12. Removal and storage of bunting, Illumidex UK Ltd – £1,796.40
  13. Office supplies, Select Office – £129.30
  14. Deposit for room hire, Gild Hall – £50.00

Total – £10,374.51

It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.

37.0 The following reports were noted (circulated with Agenda)

  • Finance and General Purposes Group minutes
  • Environment Group minutes

38.0 Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6 September 2022, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


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