Please find below the minutes for the latest Formby Parish Council meeting. A copy of the minutes is available to download at the bottom of the page.
18 November 2024
Present: Maria Bennett (Chairman), Colin Appleton, Sandra Baxter, Jill Butler, Karen Cavanagh, Fraser Hunt, Dave Irving, Yvonne Irving, Paul Millington, Joe Riley, Mike Weild and Paul Wiencke.
In Attendance: Claire Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 members of the public.
63.0 Apologies for Absence
There were apologies received from councillors D Baxter, D Brodie and L Brodie.
64.0 Members Declaration of Interest
64.1 Cllr Appleton declared an interest in item 70.2
65.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
The meeting was reconvened.
66.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
66.1 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 21 October 2024
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
67.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
There were no matters of report.
68.0 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman thanked the Vice Chairman Cllr D Irving who attended the Remembrance Service on the Sunday on her behalf, as she was unwell.
The Chairman asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Chris Rigby who provided the sound equipment free of charge for the Pride of Formby awards.
The Chairman thanked the Ward Cllrs for their donation towards the Christmas Lights Switch On event.
69.0 Planning Applications
Members noted the following:
69.1 We received prior notification of a proposed planning application for a new gymnastics’ facility at the old Firwood Garage.
69.2 90 Gores Lane – Paddle Court has been approved.
69.3 It was noted that residents gathered at the Shorrocks Hill site to object over the application for 23 new houses and a car park.
70.0 To Discuss and Resolve
70.1 To approve the revised Financial Regulations (Finance minutes refer.)
It was resolved to approve the revised Financial Regulations.
70.2 To approve the community fund application from the Cricket and Squash Club for £1,000 grant towards the cost of replacing the flood lighting with led lights. Members noted that the energy costs have increased drastically, and this will help with lower energy bills and more directional lighting so less lighting spill on neighbouring properties.
It was resolved to approve the grant of £1,000 for the replacement of flood lighting with a led system.
70.3 To approve a grant to the Formby Food Bank (Finance minutes refer)
Members discussed awarding a grant and agreed to amend the resolution to read
“To approve a grant of £1000 to the Formby Food Bank.”
It was resolved approve a grant of £1,000 to the Formby Food Bank.
70.4 To approve the opening of a second savings account (Finance minutes refer)
Members discussed the reasons for opening a second savings account, namely, to reduce the amount held in one bank. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme protects the first £85,000 held by all accounts within one UK regulated financial institution. The amount held in general reserves and earmarked reserves can be held in a different banking institution (not a bank within the same group). The Clerk recommended a bank used by other local councils in the borough and Cllrs agreed to the principle of opening a second account but would ask the Finance Group to review the choice of banking institution and type of account (immediate access-, short-, medium- or long-term notice).
It was resolved to approve the principle of opening a second savings account, with a unaffiliated bank to the current provider and to ask the Finance Group to explore the choice of banks and type of savings account.
70.5 To note the Local Government Services Pay Agreement for 2024-25
Members noted the Local Government Services Pay Agreement for 2024-25.
71.0 Payments
- Employer expenses – £2,277.72
- Office lease, Sefton MBC – £291.66
- Office phone and broadband, BT – £73.14
- First aid event, Chorleys Angels – £200.00
- Laptop refurb and hedgehog houses, named person – £75.98
- Suspension of parking bays, Sefton MBC – £165.00
- Wreath and crosses donation, RBL – £30.00
- Posters for switch on event, Solopress – £26.39
- Compere, named person – £200.00
- Road traffic management, Dowhigh – £960.00
- Stage Hire, XS Events – £3,420
- Security, Matrix Security – £858.00
- Illumidex contract – £2,058.00
- Xmas Tree – £1,512
- Xmas Tree dressing – £990.00
- Winter planting and new bracket, JC Landscape & Horticulture £2,674.68
- Street cleansing for event, Sefton MBC – £228.00
- Leaflet distribution, Formby Publishing Co Ltd – £360.00
Total – £16,400.57
It was resolved to make the payments as listed above.
72.0 The Following Reports were Noted (circulated with the agenda):
- Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Group Meeting
- Minutes of the Environment Group Meeting
73.0 Date of Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary meeting of Formby Parish Council will be held on Monday 20 January 2025, 7pm, at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.
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